Month: January 2007

  • New. Again…

    2007 is here guys. I can’t believe how fast 2006 was…well, it felt really fast for me . It seems like it just turned 2006. I was so occupied with work and I still am and I can foresee 2007 to pass by fast too. Sometimes I wish I can afford to just relax but I seem to lose control sometimes and let myself become a busy bee.

    2007 will be an interesting year for me, I can feel it. I am now officially the new coordinator at the school I work for. I will be busy juggling my personal and work life, then. Hopefully things will go smoothly with the dance classes and hopefully work will go well too. I do have great plans this year..mostly dedicating it to make life a little bit more stable. Right now, I’m a bit disorganized, a total opposite of who I am. I used to remember all appointments and important events just by memory but I seem to be having problems with my brain lately (or is it ust stress?) and I have forgotten so many things, some of them quite important that would have cost me my life (a little bit too extreme but you know what I mean). So this calls for help, an organizer comes to the rescue. I just need to make myself get used to using it. I have the means but I have to get used to writing to

    So how did I greet 2007? I went to the farm again, so did all the rain in the world.Because of that we played all the indoor games we had- including truth or dare…lol. It was a lot of fun (plus Brazilians won both male and female Sao Silvestre marathon in Sao Paulo! wohoo!) We went to a video store and  watched movie all day (a great way to start the new year!). And here I am, organizing things for work tomorrow *sigh*.

    I am excited and anxious. I am excited for some future events that are coming this year; anxious to get things done right away this year. One thing I need to teach myself this year: I need to step back, relax and enjoy life. As the saying goes, “Don’t take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.”

    below, mixed snapshots.. no caption.

    **Pics of the new year in Copacabana

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    Niver_Denise_06_4[1] Niver_Denise_06_3[1] Niver_Denise_06_1[1]  

    To you all… Happy New year!