Month: July 2006

  • Strangeways here we come


    New routine also can lead to new sights. New perceptions as well. Here is my daily path to work. I know this time I went too far in  the number of pictures taken, but then… it took me several days to have all them. New job is just great. Funny how the number of people looking for my classes have increased since I started working. I had  to refuse all of them. I have no idea where this is leading me to, but so far I can say I have been enjoying a lot! Next month I’m starting a new course on coordination area. I’m also teaching American Literature for the first time. How exciting and stressing will this semester  be? I don’t care… as long as it’s as rewarding as these past weeks…

    One interesting feature of the city pointed out by an American friend of mine is the fact that in most places one can see houses and buildings mixes in the same neighborhood. True. Something quite usual here to be honest.

    While waiting for my train, I took took a shot on the view below.

    After 20( yes, t.w.e.n.t.y) stations bound south, I get off in the middle of a company complex. I oddly found it interesting how the green and the gray match. Weird is the fact that I do not care about the distance and time it takes me to reach it( about 40 minutes).

    There’s a park on the way…


    This is the orchid that greets me as I arrive the school. There are sweet new blossoms by now…

    This one was taken on a Friday evening. Coming back home. As I entered the train, the same place that  carries about 100,000 a day was quite empty.

    Well, then… if my goal is to show the places where I go, I guess I have been doing a good job. I have also made some short videos, but I still have to  find out how to put them here. Till then, Take good care!

  • If I could tell the world just one thing
    It would be that we’re all ok
    And not to worry because worry is wasteful
    and useless in times like these
    I will not be made useless
    I won’t be idled with despair
    I will gather myself around my faith
    for light does the darkness most fear
    My hands are small, I know,
    but they’re not yours they are my own
    but they’re not yours they are my own
    and I am never broken
      —-Hands by Jewel

    This is indeed a very unusual time in my life. Never have I seen so much happen in such short amount of time.  Never have I realized myself so mature and aware of the world around me and the fair possibilities.  First day at the new job was fine.  Though I was so anxious that I could not even go to Salsa class due to a splitting headache…. Almost a week after now, I have already started the other part of the job as a head teacher at the same school. It is strange to have people report to you. It is exciting then to be worried about the quality of everyone´s work and prepare workshops on how to be a better professional. Good thing is to find out most of the topics I’ll convey are taken from my own experience. So, things should be ok even when they seem not to be.

    So far I was just rehearsing at the choir till I was ready to actually sing in church. Know what? I did it last Sunday. It was so amazing! We sang with our orchestra. Unfortunately I didn’t have anyone to picture it. But I hope God has liked it.

    I have literally changed ways… Way of going to places, way of dressing up, way of eating… On one of those changes, I found out that leaving the subway one station before to go to dance class, I am able to see such great sight. The station “Sumaré“ is right under a overpass that is also an avenue. The bus that I take passes on it. So sad I didn’t have much battery, but I could take some pictures. The avenue below is Sumaré Av., west part of the city.


    While crossing it I love to enjoy the height. I believe I have mentioned before I love high places. Below there’s Dr. Arnaldo Av. The subway station( one of the most beautiful I know) is right below me. The bus stop is just ahead.

    And there it is… I hope I stay there for long enough to learn and give my best.  So far.. I am enjoying!

    Am sleepy now. Something rare. I guess it is because of the double journey. Well… I’m happy and thankful. God allowed me to feel that way. It is nice to come here and share as well. take care, you all.

  • Blessings

    “I never saw sunlight
    Burn as bright
    I never felt darkness
    The way I feel it tonight”
                           Little Black Heart-Aha

    It is really impressive the way life can change once you let it move, when you allow things to happen. A friend of an old friend of mine found me at Orkut® two weeks ago. It has been about 6 years since I saw her last. She came to ask if I was still teaching. She opened a school and needed teachers and wondered if I’d be interested. Well, I gave it a shot and went for an interview. The lady who interviewed me made me feel really comfortable and it went really well. Basically they not only offered me job as a teacher, but also for what they call “head teacher” which is one last position before a coordinator. As I have taken a course on that, nothing better now than the opportunity itself. So… I got another job! (yay!) It is scary, but exciting and challenging at the same time.

    Two weeks ago I also started singing at the church choir. I always ask myself where I can be useful at church, and I have never paid much attention to one nice gift God has given me. So, why not use it in His honor? Thing is, I feel really well by being useful and by doing something that makes me feel good. I’m glad I allowed myself to do so. I know anything I can do to Him is nothing compared to His greatness, but as long as I’m happy in what I do, shows me that working for Him is as wonderful.

    These photos below were taken last weekend. A friend celebrated her birthday at a Pub in the building of the Brazilian British Center. I did try to get some more pictures of it, but the place( we stayed at the deck) was pretty dark. I could barely see my friends in order to picture them. Basically the illumination was made by candle lights. So, again… sorry for the not that good quality of the images.


    We just managed to enter the pub when it was almost closing. I could take this picture, but at the site there are more. Go there.

    This is what I could take from the Deck. Here there are more pictures. Click on the links to see more photos, the place is really nice.

    This is Thais, the birthday girl! See the candles? I needed many just to see her through my camera..

    This is us through the eyes of the waiter that had 4 attempts to picture us….

    Not that good food….

    very good drinks! And here, some more on the place.


    That’s all for now. I’m sure I’ll have lots to show and tell soon. I congratulate  Italy on winning the World Cup. I know carlo must be happy. And yeah… I have started posting at my photo log here at xanga. Go there if you will. This photo thing is really catching on…

    Have a nice week you all!

  • Playing in the backyard

    “Jogando no quital”, or playing in the backyard is the name of the great show my friends took me to watch today. As they told me I would really laugh out of it, then I decided to trust the good taste my friend has and joined them.  

    It all started in early 2001, when the actors César Gouvêa and Márcio Ballas decided to develop, in the backyard of César house on Cotoxó Street, a training that joined their two passions: Clown and Improvising. Then they created “Jogando no quintal”( the name of its entry) it’s a game of clown’s improvisation]impressions and the theme is just like a soccer game: anthem of the club, score board, flags, judge, players, and of course, the rooters(audience).


    Adhering this novel experience, and attracted to the possibilities  of researching something new and interesting in this way of expression, clowns with different formation and a lot of experience gathered the two actors. Then, the first games were presented to an audience of 30 people. The show became  such a success  that the audience hasn’t stopped growing.

    Currently, the “Jogando no Quintal” receives over 2,000 people per weekend. This one, I was one to watch them.

    Basically the competition is: the judge chooses out of the audience any topic that comes to anyone’s mind and the actors/clowns have to act on that topic as well as they can. You won’t believe in those people’s imagination. And after Brazil game today, Nothing better than an evening like that. Please, I’ll let here some more links on the same site. Sadly it’s only in Portuguese, but there are great pictures. I had left my camera at home, so no photo from me yet.

    Wish you all like it( too bad not as much as I did), and also to my American readers I hope you guys have a great holiday. <—this section is called “caras” or “faces” nice pictures. <—– here there are muuuch more on the show. It is possible for the whole of it to be seen.


    For further information if interested, check for an effective translation on the site. And I do recommend checking the pictures as well.

    P.S. Called him today. Heard his voice. Was thinking… How can a simple sound coming from someone else’s throat go straight to someone’s heart and let it in a status of bliss? hmmm…